Data Privacy – how we manage your data

The General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) came into effect in the UK on 25 May 2018.  It replaced the existing law on data protection (the Data Protection Act 1998) and gives individuals more rights and protection regarding how their personal data is used by councils.  Local councils and parish meetings must comply with its requirements, just like any other organisation.

The Parish Council holds personal information on Councillors, staff, contractors and individuals it has contact with. This information will be stored securely, whether electronically or as paper records, so that only authorised people can use it, within the scope of their authority. Such information is only retained for as long as necessary.

  • Electronic records are stored on a password-protected computer held by the Parish Clerk. The password is changed regularly. The laptop has anti-virus and firewall software installed and is regularly backed-up.
  • Parish Councillors hold contact details of individuals in touch with them. All Councillors’ computers/devices are password and virus protected.
  • Paper records are stored securely by the clerk.
  • Records could be required by criminal justice agencies or Her Majesty’s Customs and Revenue.

Our registration number with the Information Commissioner Office (ICO) is ZB277861 and may be viewed on their website.  For more details regarding Data Protection and Freedom of Information Acts please contact the ICO.

Information Commissioner’s Office.  Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.

Our practices and procedures are listed below. If you require further information please contact our Parish Clerk in the first instance on
