Your Parish Council along with Ward Councillor Finnigan and Leeds City Council are working together to deliver phase two of the play area. We want to know what play equipment the community wants.
To help us, please download Play Area Phase 2 Questionnaire July 2024 and return to
The closing date for completed questionnaires is Tuesday 6th August.
Questionnaires are also available at the Community Hub, Amico’s, Community Sports Club.
‼️‼️Park refurb update‼️‼️
Over the last few weeks we have been asking you to vote on your preferred plan for the park upgrade scheduled for later this year.
Thank you to everyone who voted.
We can now announce that the plan we will be progressing with is plan 2 which received 60% of the votes we received.
Whilst both plans had so many merits, the overwhelming feedback for plan 2 was that it offered a totally new look and feel whilst still providing facilities for children of all ages.
The next steps are to work with Leeds CIty Council to agree dates when the work will start…which should be not to far in the future.
Thank you again for everyone who took the time to contact us.